Friday, September 18, 2009

Somebody Call 999

Okay, one hell of an evening last night. I was in the shower, doing my thing. When i could hear my sis shouting "MA! TERBAKAR!!"..."what??!!"..."TERBAKAR!! API TERBAKAR!!". DAMN! i had facial scrub all over my face and quickly put on my towel and ran out.the fuse box in the living room was on fire!! like serious shit!!(oh yeah that explains why while i was showering the heater started making weird sounds) It was fully ablaze! now my dad just got back from uk and had jetlag so he was asleep, quickly woke him up and he ran out. i told my sis to quickly bring Zafran down. We were all panicking! My dad was shouting for water while he was looking for some, but knowing what we know...we cant splash water over it, that would make it worse!! My mum ran down i followed her. Luckily she remembered we had a fire extinguisher in our house, she opened the box cut the tag. I took it and ran upstairs, while my mum offed everything through another fusebox downstairs so it was all dark now. Passed it to my dad, he was really shaking. He was asking in a huff how to use it.....i was like, "Pull the pin, pull the pin.....OKAY OKAY spray!!" the fire was put out pretty quick. But oh my god the dust was terrible! Breathing was difficult and it started to sting in me and my dads throats and noses. He was getting all giddy, luckily i was upstairs with him to lead him down the stairs. Worried he might trip plus could'nt see in the darkness and dust. Coughing and wining on the way down. Went outside and asked the neighbour to call 999. We left our phones inside in all the rush of course. Although i went up later to get my phone with a wet tissue over my mouth and nose. That's how i managed to still be able to text some of you about it. Fire engine arrived in around 5 minutes. They climbed in and took a look at the damage. Asked me to open the windows and such upstairs. My dad was catching his breath downstairs, his age has caught up to him of course :( Alot of my aunties and uncle quickly came over, luckily they all dont live too far, so we got a ride from them to our grandparents house in keramat and stayed there the night. Today got the wiring and everything fixed. The guy said it wasn't because of overloading, it's actually because before we had somebody fix the wiring and the dumb ass didnt tighten the wires which made it loose and exposed. Causing sparks. Thus caught fire.

Here are some pictures, sorry i obviously couldn't get pictures of it while it was burning though. Lol. The quality might not be so great either because it was dark in some of those pictures.The firemen examining the damage to the fusebox.

The fire engine outside of the house.

The damaged fusebox.

The new fusebox.

The fire extinguisher. I can't imagine what could've happened if we didn't have this in the house.

I seriously advice you guys to have a fire extinguisher in the house, if what happened to me happened to you. You'll be crying watching part of your house getting burnt while the authorities come. When you could've saved so much if you had an extinguisher.

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